Thursday, September 28, 2017

Storytelling Festival

The Storytelling Festival is tomorrow! (I don't know about the kids, but we teachers are SUPER excited! We are excited to take our students on their first Field Trip of the year!:) 


- Students will NOT be permitted to bring/use their electronic devices. (RCMS admin will be available if emergencies arise.) 

- Students MAY bring a blanket, water bottle, etc. for use during the festival. (Students may NOT bring big backpacks, but may carry belongings in a smaller cinch sack or something equivalent. )

- Students need to dress weather-appropriate! Dress in layers, as it will be cooler in the morning, but should warm up nicely by the afternoon. 

- Students MUST either bring a packed lunch from home or pick up a sack lunch from the Cafeteria before they will be allowed on the bus. (Students may pack snacks and/or bring money for the concessions.)

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