Advanced ELA (2nd Period w/ Mrs. Mason)


Choice Book 1 - Literature Circles (10/16 - 11/13)

Mondays - Individual Role Sheets Due
                  Comprehension Quizzes 
                  Group Discussion

Tuesdays - In-class silent reading 

Literature Circles Assignment and Calendar  - Book 1
Literature Circles Roles 



10/09 Wonder Culminating Project                   Due: Wednesday, Oct. 11

In the book Wonder, Mr. Brown shares a monthly precept with his students. These precepts (or as Mr. Brown would say, “Rules about really important things.”) are basically rules of life.  They help you with real world situations.  They're advice that you can use for almost everything you do in life.
Please look in the Appendix on page 311 in your Wonder book and choose a precept.
For the precept you chose, please complete the following:

1 -  In your B Journal, answer this question:  Why did you choose this precept and what does it mean to you? We expect two well written paragraphs.

   -  Create a poster form of your precept. Use a ½ poster board size. Your poster should include color, various font designs, and a creative expression of the precept.

This project is an assessment and will be worth 4 points.

9/26 - Wonder - Part 8                                       Due: Monday, Oct. 2nd

1. Read part 8 of Wonder.
2. Continue to complete Figurative Language Chart for examples found in Part 8 of the text.
9/19 - Wonder - Parts 5, 6, & 7                            DUE: Monday, Sept. 25

1. Read parts 5, 6, & 7 (pages 187-248)
2. Continue to fill in Character Trait Wheel
3. Identify and record examples of figurative language on the Wonder Figurative Language Chart.
9/12 - Wonder - Part 4: Jack           DUE Monday, Sept. 18

1. Read Part 4: Jack
2. Write down (in B-Journal) all identified Allusions found in Part 4
3. Complete Character Wheel (in B-Journal) with character traits for characters introduced thus far
4. AFTER reading Part 4, answer the following question(s) in your B-Journal: 

Now that you have read both Auggie and Jack's perspectives on the events that led up to the incident on Halloween, how did your own personal view of what happen change? How did seeing both sides impact how you felt? Are you able to relate/understand both sides? If so, how? 

 9/05 - Wonder – Part 2: Via & Part 3: Summer 
Instructions: Read Parts 2 & 3 of Wonder by Monday, Sept. 11th. While reading, in your Book Journal, respond to the questions below AND complete your Allusions Bookmark assignment.  

1. What do we learn about Auggie through Via’s eyes (her point of view) that we didn’t learn from Auggie?    
2. Compare and contrast Auggie’s first day of school (as detailed in Part 1) to Via’s first day of school.
3. Most people would agree that Auggie, because of his condition, deals with challenges on a daily basis. However, some may not realize how much his family is impacted as well. Think about the members of Auggie’s family and everything you know about them thus far. Identify some of the challenges his family members face because of his unique condition.
4. Compare and contrast Summer’s friendship with Auggie to Jack’s friendship with Auggie


  8/30 - Students must identify the Central Idea and three supporting details for THREE paragraphs in their ELA journal (pages 2-3). Due Thursday, 8/31.


8/29 - Students must read through page 80 of WONDER by Tuesday, 9/4, and complete the Allusion Bookmark assignment.

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