Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Parent/Teacher Conference Handout

During Parent/Teacher Conferences, Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Mann provided parents/guardians with a handout that provided tips parents/guardians can use to help their student improve his/her ELA skills. Key points from the handout can be found below:

Infinite Campus (IC)
Parents (and students) are encouraged to download the Infinite Campus app (IC) to view students’ current grades, missing assignments, etc. Instructions on how to install and sign-in to IC can be obtained in the RCMS front office or off of the Rowan County website.

If you have not yet signed up for your ELA teacher’s REMIND text messages, please consider doing so. Contact Mrs. Mason or Mrs. Mann for the instructions or visit our blog!

What can done at home?
* Encourage your child to read. Reading independently helps build students’ vocabulary, aids in reading comprehension, and improves fluency. It is hands down the single most powerful thing students can do to improve their ELA skills.
* Remind your student to study their daily bell work. Students are given five Language Mechanics bell work questions at the beginning of each class (M-Th). The correct answers are then given (and written out on the SmartBoard) every day.  Every day, two of the five questions require students to make corrections to sentences. On Fridays, kiddos are tested (multiple choice) over eight of the twenty bell work questions they were presented with during the week.
* Have students memorize and practice Word Stems. Students are given eight word stems every other Monday. Every other Friday, they are tested over the definition of each word stem, as well as asked to correctly use each one in a sentence (multiple choice).

Wish List Supplies
Clorox Wipes
Colored Pencils
Color Copy Paper
Glue Sticks
Individually wrapped candy

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