Monday, August 22, 2016

A Little About Mrs. Mason...

Greetings and welcome to Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Mann's Blog! Although I would LOVE to say this blog will be updated on a daily basis, I fear that might be an impossible feat. Rather, we will try our very best to post weekly (maybe even biweekly, if we're on our A game!:) announcements, important reminders, updates, etc. We will also do our very best to post homework assignments (if electronic copies are available for posting/publishing/distributing online). If you are unable to find the information/material you desire on this site, PLEASE send your ELA teacher an email ( or and we will be in touch asap.

Now... to the nitty gritty! 
I won't go into a crazy amount of information about me on here (hopefully my students will be able to provide an accurate description of me after spending a little time in my classroom... some might say I'm a little crazy... but I don't consider that a bad thing. ;)

In my opinion, here's the most important information you need to know about me as a teacher:
1. I LOVE teaching and I LOVE my students! (I will treat them like my own while they are under my care... I'll love them fiercely, while maintaining high expectations in regards to their behavior, work ethic, respectfulness of others, and honesty.)
2. I will try to make my students' (most commonly referred to as 'my kiddos') English/Language Arts experience as fun as enjoyable as possible, while never losing sight of our ultimate goal... to learn, understand, retain, and apply as MUCH knowledge as we can!
3. I will support and encourage my students far beyond the walls of my classroom, as I have a genuine desire to get to know them as a person, and not just a 'student.'
4. I will never hold a grudge against a student, and I expect the same courtesy in return. We all make poor choices... my philosophy is 'learn from a mistake, try not to make it again, and most past it.'

And, if you care to gain a little insight on me as a person, here's the most important information you need to know:
1. I have two AMAZING, AWESOME, WONDERFUL, FABULOUS children of my own.... Landrick (7) and Milyn (5), and a crazy hubby, Sam. I love them more than life, so be prepared to hear stories about them at any time. (Most of the stories are quite entertaining, so I promise you won't be bored;)
2. I love camping, good books, taking photographs, tie-dye, Harry Potter, and coffee! (My students will get a good understanding of my obsession for these things rather early on.:)
3. I love to teach! (Yes, I know I said this was about me 'as a person,' but teaching is part of the person I am... it completes me. Cliche? Yes. Truth? Yes!)

What do I need from you? (You had to see this coming, right?:)
1. Stay involved! (Sign up for REMIND - see instructions in REMIND post- and quickly obtain an Infinite Campus (IC) parent/student portal login. This will allow you to stay connected, even if the student in your life wishes you to stay disconnected. ;) 
2. Be encouraging! (To your student, yourself (if you are the student), parents, peers, teachers, etc. There's no better feeling than that of 'someone' always being in your corner. Stay honest, but be encouraging.)
3. Play your part. - If you're a student, then be the best student you can be. Complete your work, read at least 20 minutes a day (seriously, at least 20 minutes), get to bed early, turn in assignments, complete practice (aka homework), always give your best effort. If you're a parent/guardian, set your student up for success by requiring them to complete their work, ask them to see their completed homework (even if you don't know if it's correct), listen to them READ for at least 20 minutes a day, establish a set bedtime, encourage creativity, and communicate with your student about school.

The year will be as great as we want it to be.... I want it to be AWESOME, and am willing to do what it takes to meet that expectation.... I hope you will do the same!

Mrs. Mason;)
(Maybe I should also mention that I have an incredibly annoying habit of using old school smiley faces in any and all informal communication... ;)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

About Mrs. Mann

About Mrs. Mann....

      My name is Sheena Mann and I am a sixth grade Language Arts teacher here at RCMS. This is my eighth year of teaching, and I couldn't image doing anything else! I am originally from Sparta, Kentucky where I graduated from Gallatin County High School. I earned my bachelor degree in Middle Grades Education from Northern Kentucky University and a Masters in Counseling from Morehead State University. I currently live in Morehead with my husband, Jordan Mann, who is a PE teacher at Rowan County High School and the JV boys' basketball coach. We also have a 5 1/2 year old daughter, McKynlee, and 2 year old daughter named Maylee. They both keep me pretty busy outside of school, but when I have free time I like to read and run. I am looking forward to another great year here at RCMS!