Tuesday, August 29, 2017


**Tutoring will begin THIS week!**
Content area specific, as well as general, tutoring will be available Monday-Thursday as outlined in the schedule below:

        Morning (7:25 – 7:55am): 
          Tuesdays:      Downstairs Computer Lab (All subjects) - Mrs. Mason
          Wednesdays: Downstairs Computer Lab (All subjects) - Mrs. Mason
          Thursdays:    Downstairs Computer Lab (All subjects) - Mrs. Mason

         Afternoon (3:00 – 4:30pm):
Mondays:        Downstairs Computer Lab (All subjects)
                                    Room 619 (Geometry w/ Mrs. Eldridge)
Tuesdays:        Downstairs Computer Lab (Science w/ Mrs. Armstrong)
                                    Room 612 (English w/ Mrs. Mann)
                                    Room 621 (Math w/ Mrs. Carnevali)
Wednesdays:   Downstairs Computer Lab (All subjects)
Thursdays:      Downstairs Computer Lab (Social Studies w/ Mr. Hood)
                        Room 615 (English w/ Mrs. Mason)
                                    Room 607 (Math w/ Mrs. Fannin)

Opening a Smart Board Presentation

Opening Smart Board Presentation

Save the SMART notebook file on your computer before opening it in SMART Express

Go to the following site: http://express.smarttech.com/

Once you are on the site, open the file you wish to view

Standards Based Grading

6th Grade English/Language Arts – 2016-2017 – Grading Policy and Procedures

Standards Based Grading (SBG) will be implemented into this course. During this school year Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Mason will be using Standards Based Grading. SBG is designed to give students more direct feedback pertaining to specific learning objectives.  Students will know the areas in which they have performed well and areas that need improvement.  The following will outline how this grading system operates and what students can expect.

1.      During each unit students will be provided with learning targets written in student friendly language.  These “I Can” statements specify exactly what students need to know, be able to do with what they know, and how to demonstrate that knowledge.  Daily lessons will focus on specific “I Can” statements.  Students will be assessed throughout the unit to see how well they have grasped each target.  This information will provide feedback to the teacher and student on the progress being made and what additional instruction is needed.

2.      At the end of each unit students will be assessed on their understanding of the learning targets.  Each unit assessment will be planned out so that each target is assessed an effective and appropriate way.  The assessment will be scored on a 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 scale with 4 being the highest possible score and representing ‘Mastery’ of the target. The total points they earn divided by the total points possible will then determine the student’s percentage grade for the unit. (A score of 3 represents a solid understanding of the learning target, a 2 represents ‘Developing’ knowledge, a score of 1 represents ‘Limited/Basic’ understanding of the target, and a 0 means students lack any understanding of the target, or the assessment was not completed by the student.

3.      After receiving feedback on their performance, students will have an opportunity to take an additional assessment (a ‘retake’).  This opportunity will allow students to show if there has been an improvement in their understanding of individual learning targets with which they initially had trouble.  If students show an improvement on their learning target performance, the lower grade will be replaced by the higher grade. If they don’t show improvement, their grade remains the same.  There is no penalty for taking longer to demonstrate competency of a learning target. Retakes must be completed within 2 weeks of the initial assessment, and students must successfully complete Target Practice for the target they have requested to retake. Retakes must be completed outside of regular class times, and must be student initiated. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the practice and the retake within the designated time. (Reminders will not be provided.)

This grading process allows students (and teachers) to pinpoint specific areas of greatest understanding, as well as specific areas of needed improvement. It’s a great way to see exactly what concepts need to be retaught, practiced, and reassessed.